
Do Ghosts Exist?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I believe that ghosts exist. My house appears to be haunted because sometimes i hear or see things that i don't really want to and it scares the heck out of me! Some people know there is a ghost from sensing something is there, hearing noises, or even seeing one that someone else couldn't. Ghosts are not visible to every human eye...i guess maybe some people have a sixth sense.
Shadow Gothical Profile
Shadow Gothical answered
Well it could depend... Near the end of last year, my grandfather was in hospital and my grandmother visited him everyday, and one night she visited him she had to go to the bathroom, (That's not the scary thing!), and she saw an ederly woman enter a cubical. This woman was wearing pink salmon robe(like a dressing gown) and waited for her to leave... Five mins later a lady who worked in the hospital entered the toilet and saw my grandmother waiting, and asked her what she was doing. My grandmother replied that she was waiting for the woman to leave the cubical. The lady who worked there pushed the door which the old woman entered and no one was in there! My grandmother wasn't hallucinating and she has excellent eyesight. The elderly woman is still no where to be found....
well that's my beliefs....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ghosts do exist.
If someone dies of a sad or violent death, they often remain
here on earth.
Some spirits are stronger than others.others are not.
Spirits can often guide love ones left here, send messages, be of comfort and support.
I cannot "see" them myself, but do feel them around me.
People often do not believe what they can't see, others see differently.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I thumbed up first i believe you and i believe too im 10 and every kid is afraid except possessed kids,but i feel like theres a spirit around me
beautiful sista Profile
beautiful sista answered
Yes ghosts do exist they are in term called spirits. There are good spirits and evil spirits. There is a continuance warfare going on in the spiritual world, so when we die we are recruited either on the good side or the evil side. There is know in between. If you are on God's side you become like him and the angels, and you fight against the evil powers, but if your on satan's side, when you die you become like the demons and fight against the forces of God. Spirits that people may see are often demonic spirits that travel and roam the earth. There are many reasons why they roam, such as: People that are alive on earth are tapping into the spiritual world and pulling demons up, that God has sealed down in hell.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ghosts or spirits do indeed exist. I have seen them. Immediately after my grandmother died (I did not know it at the time) she appeared to me. Some spirits feel that they have not completed their work on earth and remain here. Others have found their way to the other dimension where they stay until judgement day.
Chris ???? Profile
Chris ???? answered
It is difficult to say for sure. I have heard storys on both sides. Some claimed to have taken pictures of ghosts and say it was just a piece of dust on the lense. Ghosts hunters say that 90% of pictures taken are just
a false warning. The 10% remains unexplained.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ghosts are actually demons of different "societies"or levels. There are the most common: Familiar spirits that take on the appearance of people, poltergeists that are a lower form that torment or at least deceive those that encounter them, and higher level demons that actually can attack a person and cause them harm. In either case, they are only as effective as you allow them to be. All forms of these spirits are lower than humans but because people fear what they cannot control they are allowed to terrorize, control or deceive those that are ignorant of their position. Don't wish to contact them unless you are getting them out of your life or someone Else's. They will control you especially if you think you can control them for your gain.
thanked the writer.
Rosemary Campbell
I will add links here to my true experiences and hopefully this will be easier than my telling the story all over again.
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
It depends on how you look at them, do you think that you believe, or not know if you do. People always have debated it. I know they do, I sense them all the time. I can tell whether it is male or female, and how they died sometimes, sometimes I get their names, and other times, I know about what time period they passed in. Sometimes, there are shadows that people see, and other times they see orbs, and full body apparitions, or things that fly across a room for no reason, and fall for no reason. People sense things sometimes, or dream about people, and they talk to you there in the dream. I am a knower, I hope this helps.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
One time it was 10:16 4 April and i was at my pc and i felt like someone touched me maybe it was the lemon i had a peace of lemon but i when i wanted to repeat the touch i couldnt reach the lemon
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Guys if you see a ghost at your house or something at your mirror don't panic be a muslim but if you want to be a muslim go at youtube and type how to be muslim a guy young guy will teach you something,and you say that and your muslim,when you see a ghost just say a good word from the angels like Esch-eh Delhi illahi illa-ha Muhammad Abu vere Sulu and poof the spirit goes away because you said a good word it works even to say All-ll ah(for muslims only) and he disappears or maybe for christians make sure you have gold somewhere and try to touch him maybe that works

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