Ideas rise and fall with time. Islam just happens to have a lot of momentum right now. So does christianity, but not nearly as much. I don't think there is such a thing as a true religion. I mean, to me, the flying spaghetti monster is about as realistic as zeus or loki. They are manifestations of organized religions. Every religion tries to say basically them same thing. So pick your superstition and go with it! Just try to get something that has values you agree with.
If Islam Is Quickly Becoming The World's Most Popular Religion, Does That Mean That Christianity Is Not Real? Or Does It Mean That God Is Failing Because The Number Of Christian Believers Is Dramatically Decreasing?
I believe in God and worship in my own way. You do not need a church or a denomination or $ to worship God or Jesus! If the Muslim faith seems to becoming stronger it is because God willed it for He knows all , Sees all etc. I am sure there is some reason in why He is doing this , but what it might be is beyond my understanding. So keep trying' to Jesus and The Almighty and the Holy Spirit and He will steer you in the direction He has planned for you . I assure you if you have any faith at all you will see it is not "crap".
Religion is sent down to earth..
at the time where mankind starts to go haywire..
and do weird stuff which is absurd to us who are civilized.....
if you see all the religion without an influence of your personal can see that>>>
Islam accepts Jesus, Abraham, Moses and Adam and Eve( just the stories differ, for them is Adam and Hawa.... You pronounce it as Aa-daam/ Haa-waa)
but what came before doesn't..
Christian accept that there was Abraham, Moses and Adam and Eve..
but what came before it doesn't....
do you get the cycle???
I am just mentioning the four religion here... But there are more... And you can see the similarity of them in the concept of the religion, but not in their believes and tradition....
Just because Islam is growing doesn't mean Christian is failing...
God has shown the way to understand him better through religion...
but there are still those who dont GET this...
the arrogance of being in a certain religion will be the destruction of the religion...
no matter how high or how wide it spreads......
The true religion in my opinion is YOUR PERSONAL BELIEVE OF GOD....
dont just come up with a religion yourself....LOL
but look at the world and listen to those religious talk of many religion....
i am sure your heart will tell you which one it is... Mine DID.... But i am a borne Hindu...
but when I open my mouth, alot of people.. Okay, almost all, judge me for a christian and Muslim......LOL
my concept of God reaches people even though I have not announce it....
at the time where mankind starts to go haywire..
and do weird stuff which is absurd to us who are civilized.....
if you see all the religion without an influence of your personal can see that>>>
Islam accepts Jesus, Abraham, Moses and Adam and Eve( just the stories differ, for them is Adam and Hawa.... You pronounce it as Aa-daam/ Haa-waa)
but what came before doesn't..
Christian accept that there was Abraham, Moses and Adam and Eve..
but what came before it doesn't....
do you get the cycle???
I am just mentioning the four religion here... But there are more... And you can see the similarity of them in the concept of the religion, but not in their believes and tradition....
Just because Islam is growing doesn't mean Christian is failing...
God has shown the way to understand him better through religion...
but there are still those who dont GET this...
the arrogance of being in a certain religion will be the destruction of the religion...
no matter how high or how wide it spreads......
The true religion in my opinion is YOUR PERSONAL BELIEVE OF GOD....
dont just come up with a religion yourself....LOL
but look at the world and listen to those religious talk of many religion....
i am sure your heart will tell you which one it is... Mine DID.... But i am a borne Hindu...
but when I open my mouth, alot of people.. Okay, almost all, judge me for a christian and Muslim......LOL
my concept of God reaches people even though I have not announce it....
1st of all, GOD CANNOT FAIL! We are failing to do our job of reaching the millions of lost people for Christ. But Christianity is actually on the rise- all over the world. Millions are coming to Him for salvation in countries we never hear much of, as well as the USA. There will be a great "Soul harvest" soon- where more people will be saved than ever, this will help to usher end the 2nd coming of Christ.
It seems bad, and Islam is on the rise. But my God is bigger than any religion, and He is still on His throne. He will not be defeated-ever.
So Christianity- following Jesus Christ only- is the only way to God- the only way to live. It is not a religion- it is a relationship. Follow Jesus- He will NEVER let you down.
It seems bad, and Islam is on the rise. But my God is bigger than any religion, and He is still on His throne. He will not be defeated-ever.
So Christianity- following Jesus Christ only- is the only way to God- the only way to live. It is not a religion- it is a relationship. Follow Jesus- He will NEVER let you down.
Listen to logic101!
Islam, Jewish, and Christianity ALL believe in the GOD of Abraham in the VERY FRONT of YOUR Bible!
We are all brothers!
The troubles stem from there, CUZ!
Islam, Jewish, and Christianity ALL believe in the GOD of Abraham in the VERY FRONT of YOUR Bible!
We are all brothers!
The troubles stem from there, CUZ!

This world is full of different people with different minds and a different way of thinking. And it's full of religions too. So each one of us believes in a religion in his own way and says it's the true religion. And if the number of Christians is decreasing, then that doesn't mean that Christianity is fake! WHo knows?!
In my opinion, if the number of Muslims is increasing, then that means that people are thinking about religion! They're thinking about which is the right religion? Why am I for example a Muslim and not a Christian? Why do I worship God? I mean really that shows that people are really serious about that!
So, we can't give an answer to 'what is the true religion'. EVeryone sees his religion is the true one. It's just like that.
By the way, some people worships cows, trees, statues, etc. And they think that they're right! Strange world!
In my opinion, if the number of Muslims is increasing, then that means that people are thinking about religion! They're thinking about which is the right religion? Why am I for example a Muslim and not a Christian? Why do I worship God? I mean really that shows that people are really serious about that!
So, we can't give an answer to 'what is the true religion'. EVeryone sees his religion is the true one. It's just like that.
By the way, some people worships cows, trees, statues, etc. And they think that they're right! Strange world!
God is real no matter what religion you have or how you worship him. It seems that a lot of people have forgotten what Christianity is all about... Christians are suppose to strive to be more like God and instead they judge others and force the bible on others.... The bad thing is that most who push the bible on others are not fallowing it's word themselves and have no business teaching others. I know that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God, but lets be realistic... I don't want to hear the word of God from someone who doesn't even fallow it themselves and that is why I don't go to church anymore. I am not saying I am perfect in any way, I just don't want to go to church to be surrounded by one day a week christians who could lead me even further away from God. So yeah I can understand why other religions are becoming more popular.
I don't think that God is fake, He is very much alive in all of us, and I don't think that He chooses just one religion to be the best one or the only one that He will recognize, as long as you believe in Him, I think you are on the right side, no matter what religion. Hope this helps.
Let's think about something, If what you said is true, that god might be failing, ask yourself what has done to sustain a specific belief in us? God could easily prove to the world that he exists maybe by acting in public or maybe even showing himself to us. If he did do such things the world without a doubt would instantly convert. There is absolutely no evidence that a divine being truly exists, why does your supposed god expect us to have certain beliefs if we can't hear,feel, or even see him.
Who says the number of Christian believers is dramatically decreasing??? It may be in the western world, but Christianity is booming in Africa and Asia
I'll let you in on a secret that not many christians know or understand that the muslim religion is going to grow and grow but what they are going to gain is useless in the end. God the father of Jesus has his plan and his rules and one of them is have no other gods before me i am a jealous day soon the world will see this first hand when the extremists and russia attack israel and 5/6ths of them are destroyed and the leftover attackers are left to return to their countries to tell that are defeated wholly by the God of israel and the christians under the covenant of Jesus dying on the cross..israel was suppose to be wiped from the face of the earth by it's enemies generations ago but it is still here and not only here but has it's original language reborn..the God of israel /the christian God will in the end be the only God of this world no other religion/gods will exist /be worshipped in the end...there are hundreds of religions practiced by man but only one God believed in with a personal relationship with his creation/followers....the religion you speak of has many many splinter teachings and the way they view their religion is so far from the original teachings even they do not understand what the teaching state and why many of them want to destroy the united states because of their misled learning from religious leaders..their will be no need to have any "crusades"civil wars/wars between nations/world war the last battle if you want to call it that,it will be one sided as the Lord Jesus the Christ will be doing the fighting (if you want to believe anyone can fight/argue with the Lord)with his believers behind him....if you read the bible and listen to bible scholars a lot more versed in bible phrophecy the united states will not be here as it is now because the church(believers )will be raptured out before the final battle even remotely starts building up to happen...and will return with Jesus to end it all at armageddon or the valley of megiddo...let me ask you have you ever heard of God failing to do what he says? And by God i mean the God of israel-the creator of all things the Father of Jesus the Christ the God that became flesh to die for our sins on the cross and no other...just so it is clear who God is when referred to as the God of israel and the christian God..religion for the most part is rules and regulations thought up by man from interpretation of the word....(bible)...Jesus(God made flesh) said to come as you are ,he does not say dress up and come to church at a specific time or day and sing this song or say these verses that is mans is not what it takes to be saved that is done by believing Jesus is the son God and died on the cross for your sins the church things(religion) are to show what you associate with other believers in worship and study the word(bible)...let's put the answer in one sentence looks can be deceiving,it looks to the world that the christian religion is dwindling..but another way to look at it is people around the world are making their decision to whom they belong/believe is going to be the right one and the other is decide from their actions...hmmmm? What do you actually think is right? Numbers do not always represent the truth of what is visually least here on earth....see the truth is hidden from the ones who are not saved..whether you believe this or not it is the truth...sort of like when you were kid and your mom told you not to touch a hot stove but you did not believe so you touched it and got burned...God has told everyone what he expects but one day he is going to have to do what he says in the bible regardless of what non believers think is right...he can not force anyone to choose what to believe muslim/buddhist/witchcraft/devil worship/wikins/atheists whatever but he will still be the only God in the end...
Well "strange000" you are either a extremist Muslim, a Christian gone atheist, or a third party religion that had no business of saying that God is failing.
I would like to give you some facts.
1. Islam is currently the fastest growing religion but they have a long time to go before they have as many followers of Christianity.
2. These are the numbers - Islam- 1.2 billion followers - Christianity - 2.1 billion. Just for a side note the one branch of Christianity, Roman Catholic has just under 1.1 billion. So once again before you say that God fails, and that Christianity is fake, why don't you look at some actual facts instead of what your media on whatever part of the planet is telling you.
Finally I would just like to add when you are at the gates of heaven begging St. Peter to let you in I will be laughing at you from the pool sipping on a nice cold pepsi.
I would like to give you some facts.
1. Islam is currently the fastest growing religion but they have a long time to go before they have as many followers of Christianity.
2. These are the numbers - Islam- 1.2 billion followers - Christianity - 2.1 billion. Just for a side note the one branch of Christianity, Roman Catholic has just under 1.1 billion. So once again before you say that God fails, and that Christianity is fake, why don't you look at some actual facts instead of what your media on whatever part of the planet is telling you.
Finally I would just like to add when you are at the gates of heaven begging St. Peter to let you in I will be laughing at you from the pool sipping on a nice cold pepsi.
I am hesitant to join this forum because we are always wisely cautioned not to get involved in discussions about politics and religion.
I wonder where did you get your data that Islam is now the world's most popular religion? What I know is Christianity is really huge not only in the US, but worldwide. In fact, there are megachurches in this country.
Religion is a means to an end. The end is the salvation of our soul.
I wonder where did you get your data that Islam is now the world's most popular religion? What I know is Christianity is really huge not only in the US, but worldwide. In fact, there are megachurches in this country.
Religion is a means to an end. The end is the salvation of our soul.
I honestly believe that there will be people of all religions standing before the one true God on the Day of Judgement. Our 'eternity' will be spent in paradise or not and that depends on how we lived our lives. Religions - in my opinion - give people a lifestyle that works for them. It is different for everyone. And without making excuses or finding justifications for what is right or wrong, we know how we should be living our lives. Hope that makes sense. I come from a family filled with people of different beliefs. One thing stands true - there is only One God! May God have mercy on us all! Btw, I'm Muslim.
ACTS 2:38
The Word of God speaks much stronger than any man.
The Word of God speaks much stronger than any man.
God never fails christianity will not ever really die just look like it will
with all the religions of the world and with other many new religions coming up looking stronger and faster this just means that Jesus is going to be coming back soon
all of what is happening now is already in the bible the Lord is
the same yesterday today and forever
read the bible if you want answers to these questions
and keep reading it ask for understanding and you will be shown understanding
ask him for knowledge and he will give you the knowledge you seek
with all the religions of the world and with other many new religions coming up looking stronger and faster this just means that Jesus is going to be coming back soon
all of what is happening now is already in the bible the Lord is
the same yesterday today and forever
read the bible if you want answers to these questions
and keep reading it ask for understanding and you will be shown understanding
ask him for knowledge and he will give you the knowledge you seek
God will never fail he simply can't he has controls everything happening no matter what and only he knows the future
Am glad that u think the way u think .... Because that's why allah gave us brains ... And believe me islam is the right religion 4 u .... Just read the Kuran and u will know ...
I'm new muslim,was christian in past.I love religion islam,religion of peace.Allah telling us in Quran,to respect all religions!We have to create peace and stop war.Christians,jews muslims we are all brothers from one father Adam.