Well, I'm a male Pisces and I had a 7 month relationship with a female Virgo. There was only a year and a bit between us. I'll start off by saying the bond that I had with this particular lady was the most amazing feeling one man could feel, staring into her eyes/soul, the romance, the cuddles, the laughs. The trips away, It was fantastic, but it just seemed to me that she let me down all the time.
Her life was a mess when I came into it, she is hardworking, but lacked confidence, was untidy, didn't think anything through, wouldn't organize or play. She eventually began to pick up my structure and habits of organisation, but she still continued with the baggage and little white lies that are pointless.
If we were ever to talk, I would just get an angry response and she wouldn't want to talk. But I tolerated it, because I loved her and knew there could be some deeper underlining emotional problems.
We had our petty arguments due to the things she did not attempt to realize and fix, which lead to the end of our relationship, I love this girl to bits more than words can express. She doesn't understand that the things we encountered could be fixed if she learned how to deal with pressure and communicate.
I still feel she is the one for me, I can help her in so many ways emotionally and I know she has strengths that I benefit from. I wish she could see the reality I have painted in my head of how we can be if she just gave it effort. There is not a day that goes by that I don't miss her and stop from loving her.
We would create a path of happiness. Oh, and those who don't take some belief in astrology. The last four girls I have been attracted to and asked out have all been Virgos. I didn't know they were before I met them, but Virgos, there is something that attracts me to them.
I hope she matures and realizes someday what went wrong and comes back. Even though she hurt me but yes they are compatible, it depends on each persons maturity. I.e : Dealing with stress, learning how to communicate and love each other for each person's traits unconditionally.