I man will truly take the bible as it is one will not use it for governmental advantages but will use it for the pure production of noble character and behaviour.
If one will use the words in the bible effectively as taught by the Holy Spirit of God then there will be no rape, murder, incest, slavery, and the spread of all manner of famine and dease because the principle will be obeyed.
Any person truly reading the bible with understanding will no doubt agree that the words of life contained in the Holy book speaks about life, equality, love, peace, self-lessness, morality, respect, and liberality of means.
Because of many warp sense of idea they use it hypocritically to their own personal gain, because many do this does not negate the fact that the said bible speak against these things and is pure, holy, and will remain to be true.
Wheter you believe the bible or not it remains the uncompromising word of God, whether it is used hpocritically by some men lusting for power, fame, and wealth does not dispel the fact that the bible is rule of life.
Please do not by your ignorance judge the word of God based upon the charater traits of those who use it for gain, and wickness.
Free think you speak of science and this has it place for the advances in fields which will benefit man but there is good in science and there is also the bad and those who use science for the bad does not negate that science is good.
People using the bible for bad does not negate the fact that the bible is for the good of man and is good.