"Did Obama spend more than all presidents combined?"
No, this is a ridiculous statement. Of course, before I get into the meat of it, since most people wont understand or care to understand, I will give a very clear and to the point answer to the question above:
Bush Jr. Had spent a total of … Read more
This really makes me wonder about the mental stability of this country's youth...
He wants to collect your soul so he can gain the ultimate power and win the Mortal Kombat championship.
Lets see... What has Christianity contributed to? Multiple religious wars, the crusades, the inquisition, the burning of witches, slavery, anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, the bombing of abortion clinics, the murder and attempted murder of doctors, slander... Wait... What was the question again?
A. I fail to see what a smell has to do with "ghosts". Are they wearing perfume now? I think I missed that memo.
B. The smell disappears with no trace? Really? Isn't that the very definition of a smell dissipating? If you could still smell traces of an odor, it wouldnt be "gone" now … Read more
The obvious answer is that the Adam & Eve genesis story is complete bunk. Also, inbreeding on a large scale promotes not only mental defects, but major physical defects as well. A better question is how did humanity go from TWO to 6.8 BILLION people, and have them spread out over the entire globe in … Read more
Yes. I know you are specifically talking about the Catholic branch of Christianity... However if you look at Christianity as a whole, the answer is still an affirmative. Given the varying number of Christian sects and their individual tenants, it is obviously a polytheistic religion.
ADD OIL TO YOUR ENGINE. Or better yet, chance the stuff for god's sake.
I believe I can fly... I believe I can fly... I believe I can fly...
I prefer sheep. Easier to stand behind.
That depends on what you mean.
Will both types of water hydrate you, and are both safe to drink (in the US)? Yes, of course. So if your definition ends there, then you could say that bottles water is BS.
Then again, if you are looking into taste, mouth feel, consistency, convenience, shelf life, and … Read more
No, no, no, you have to add MORE heroin to get rid of the old stuff!
The flip side to this coin is to ask the question; why do people impose the antiquated ideals of religion upon others in order to make them selves and/or their theism seem more important and/or better than those who do dont agree or share in said religion? Yes, there are specific universal laws which apply … Read more
Wow, plagiarism much?
The intolerance in the previous statements regarding the Jewish faith and the Jewish people is appalling. Of course, it really isn't a surprise given the history of anti-Semitic rhetoric espoused by followers of the "Christian" faith for roughly the past 2000 years. In other words, the relationship between Christianity and Judaism has traditionally been … Read more
The question here is what happens WHEN a person dies, not AFTER they die. Clinical Death occurs when there is a cessation of all vital functions of the body, including the heartbeat, brain activity (including the brain stem), and breathing.
Jason, and I predict you will meet him in prison.
Dip them in ranch sauce, and garnish with carrot and/or celery sticks. Chase with beer.
I would have to say the fact that they are "emo" would be the leading cause. I know I would hate my self enough to mutilate my appendages with a blade if I lived that lifestyle. Hell, I'd probably do it if I just wore "skinny" jeans.
I know people are going to jump in here and say "its the build up of lactic acid". B.S. That is a myth which has been proven in repeatable scientific tests and studies to be NOT TRUE. Muscle fatigue and soreness is prompted by an accumulation of protons within … Read more