
What Is The Difference Between Catholic And Christian Faith?


21 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Catholic is actually a denomination of the Christian faith as are other denominations such as Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, and Evangelical . If you meant what is the difference between Roman Catholic and Protestant Faith, then the answer would be many different things. One of the main factors is that Roman Catholics believe that Jesus is present in the Eucharist while the only other faith that believes that is Eastern Greek Orthodox Church. Although, other Christians, such as Lutherans, believe that Jesus is present along with the bread and wine. More factors are that Catholics believe in purgatory, honoring Mary and the saints,  that the pope is the leader of the church and many other different things. To know if you are Catholic or Non-Catholic, you just need to know what church you go to. If you are part of a Catholic Church(These churches are usually named after saints), then you are Catholic.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wow, you would think with so many Catholics and Christians weighing in someone could have given you an accurate answer to your question but as always seems to happen they find ways to find and condemn each other instead. What would Jesus say???Hmmm. Jesus was beautiful, kind, loving, patient and most of all forgiving. He wouldn't anger at someone for their ignorance he would loving teach them in a way they could understand.
Now to answer your question - You are a Christian. You may also be a Catholic. Christianity is faith in Jesus Christ and yes Christians are supposed to try to follow the teachings of Jesus but usually just end up trying to follow the bible very literally. The bible is not meant to be taken quite so literal. It is a teaching not a rule book. It is meant to teach the word of God however just as Jesus taught the bible is here to help you open your mind and actually learn the word of God and not just follow a rule book without any true understanding of what you are being taught.
Catholicism is a Religion. A Christian religion. The very first Christian religion.  Do you go to Church? Have you been Baptised? If so  what church? Even if you are or are not it is really up to you. It is never too late to be. Work out which one reflects your believes, which one feels right for you and then go to the church and speak to someone. They will be able to guide you from there. No matter which religion you are please remember that a true Christian believes in love not hate. Peace not war. Kindness and tolerance for others even if they are different from you.
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Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
You don't have to have religion to believe this -
"No matter which religion you are please remember that a true Christian believes in love not hate. Peace not war. Kindness and tolerance for others even if they are different from you. "
- or be a Christian.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
I have an accurate answer. It's rally not complex.
Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I just love to sit here and watch you so called "Christians" tear each other apart with insults, derogatory comments and, most of all, the lack of love for one another.

Theisa Cabo Profile
Theisa Cabo answered
NONE! Catholic is the First Christian Faith. All others came from there. The only difference is each denominations choice of workship style.
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Zare Sonce
Zare Sonce commented
Catolic do infact start everything from the beginning of christendom but if we weight the traditions with the bread and wine, well it was even before the jewism.
Hope This Helps
Hope This Helps commented
There are commendable things that can be said about Catholics, so history should not be confused for insult.
What is missing from some of these discussions, is...the history.

The Catholic Church was only beginning to be formed, in the 4th-century. Prior to that, it was Judaic Christianity that the Christian Greek Scriptures referred to, when it recorded Early-Christian events.
The primary teachings of the Judaic Christians, were quite different than those of either the Catholic or Protestant churches.

The history of the Jewish nation was radically altered, after the fall of Jerusalem, in 70 A.D.
Judaic Christians survived the fall, because they fled Jerusalem, prior to the final Roman siege, after responding to prophetic warnings. written in the Hebrew and (young) Greek scriptures, which were still less than 30 years old:

“Therefore, when you catch sight of the disgusting thing that causes desolation, as spoken about by Daniel the prophet, standing in a holy place (let the reader use discernment), then let those in Ju·de′a begin fleeing to the mountains."- Matthew.24:15-16, Daniel 9:27, 11:31, 12:11
Hope This Helps
Hope This Helps commented
This took place nearly 2 centuries before the Catholic founders even began to assemble and discuss the primary development of basic Catholic doctrine; which was radically different from that of Judaic Christianity; but basically identical to that of its Protestant offspring, which emerged from its Catholic parent.
The two, of course, warred violently with each other, for centuries to come, opposing each other strong, military armies.

The Judaic Christians, remained non-violent and politically neutral, yet experienced terrible periods of violent persecution from the religious elements that were now willing to hold Christ in one hand, and a sword, in the other.

The history surrounding these events, is quite rich with astonishing information, and permits one to make distinctions that would be impossible, without it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is a huge difference between them. A TRUE christians purely believe in bible doctrines (teachings) not on man's own understanding. Christ is the head of the church and in him is salvation. There's is no other way to the Father but only in JESUS ( John 14: 6). That is one of the huge difference. No other way but JESUS, period. There's a lot more but I don't have space to write down probably next time.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just want to comment to noname212..
Faith in GOd is manifested through your action.How can you say you believe on JESUS but then your deeds are contrary to His ways,His character and HIS actions..Christianity is having a Christ like attitude..We are called Christians because we Follow Christ Jesus right?meaning doing and imitating 1 Corinthians.11:1 paul says"follow my example as I follow the example Christ"
I think you have to read the preceding verses,"Faith and action work notice that faith comes first followed by action..and in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God..James is talking to people who believe in Christ for a long time but thier actions are not doing what  christian should do.
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Darik Majoren
Darik Majoren commented
Actually "Faith" as depicted in the New Testament is supposed to be a "Gift FROM God" . . . it's original Greek word is Pistis -

pístis (from 3982/peithô, "persuade, be persuaded") – properly, persuasion (be persuaded, come to trust); faith.

Faith (4102/pistis) is always a gift from God, and never something that can be produced by people. In short, 4102/pistis ("faith") for the believer is "God's divine persuasion"
Hope This Helps Profile
Hope This Helps answered

This question requires some historical background that, without, would be difficult to accurately consider.  

First-century Christianity did not require additional reference terms, since there were no other forms of it.

The earliest "Christians" were all Jews, no gentile could then become a Christian, since the promise given to Abraham, for an "inheritance"- a "kingdom"- applied strictly to the line Abraham.- Genesis 22:18

(Galatians 3:29, Isaiah 2:1-3, Daniel 7:22 and 27, Luke 22:28-30, 12;32,  Hebrews 12:28, Revelations 1:6)

Only after the "inheritance" had been sufficiently offered to all Jews who were willing to accept it, could the "inheritance" be opened to gentiles who where willing to fulfill its obligations.- Romans 8:12,17

And this took place, only because of disobedience and stubborn attitudes that prevented the entire Jewish nation, from providing the entire number of "Christians"- disciples of Christ, as they were to become known- from fulfilling the promise, or "inheritance".

No, the "inheritance' did not concern individual salvation, but a leadership role with the "Messiah", in governing and bringing deliverance and salvation about.

This was what was at the center of early-Christian activity- the "inheritance", in connection with the promised "messiah".  Not to be fulfilled through earthly means, but through literal, spiritual intervention, as Revelations Chapter 21 explains.

The "inheritance"- which involved a leading role in delivering the peoples of the "nations" from distress (Revelations 21:1-2)- is limited in number, as any responsible assignment, is.-  Revelation 7:4

The Bible describes those willingly accepting this assignment as those who "were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb."- Rev.14:4

God selected the number, for his own reasons, humans have nothing to do with that decision.

Gentiles were, of course, not well educated in these matters, so the Jewish Christians- who themselves, had to readjust some of their views- discovered that it was necessary to teach the influx of gentiles, the basic "things of God" that they were not yet equipped to understand.  Human pride, on both sides, had to be set aside and dismissed, to achieve this.

These early-Christians all shared a Judaic heritage, either by lineage or by adoption.

They might even be referred to as "Judaic Christians", in order to distinguish them from other religious elements, that were to later spring up.

Following the death of the apostles, more and more Gentiles, who possessed spiritsitic religious backgrounds, began filtering into Christianity.  (The Catholic Church did not yet exist.)

The unchristian views that many- not all, but many- would begin to promote, would have a serous effect on the Judaic Christian community.  The Apostles were aware this crises was coming: 

"Let no one lead you astray in any way, because it (the "end") will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed".- 2 Thessalonians 2:3, also compare Luke 20:24

Judaic Christians were neither Catholic nor Protestant.

Like their faithful ancestors, Judaic Christians worshiped "Jehovah" as "heavenly father" and "God", and were dedicated to Jesus as a "mediator" between man and God (1 Timothy 2:5), and as messianic "king" and head of the Christian Congregation of "holy ones" (Daniel 7;22, 27-28), who inherited the promise of sharing in a leading role that would inevitably result in deliverance, salvation and extensive blessings for mankind.

In contrast, Christendom worships a trinity godhead, which may be somewhat more complex than the popular Roman/Grekko/Egyptian/ Babylonian pantheon trinities, that flourished in the ancient gentile world, along with mother/child worship. Christendom also emphasizes personal salvation, rather than deliverance by means of the "kingdom" and the "inheritance".

Christians from the Judaic world believed and taught that man is mortal and dies. And that mankind's hope rests in the "resurrection", referred to at Acts 24:15.  Christendom teaches that man is immortal, never truly dies, but transfers to heaven or hell, at death.

Christians used fire to denote total, complete destruction (sometimes tormenting shame), but never projected the existence of an abode where humans burn forever. 

Judaic Christians were organized on the basis of an "ekklesia" (Greek), awkwardly translated into the english term "congregation", which involved significant differences in organization and character, that set it apart from the laity-clerical arrangement that was intrinsic to the Catholic concept of "church".

Thus it is accurate to refer to the Catholic Church  as the "first church". And its authorized translations of the Bible, should not be considered free of suggestions that reflect its teachings; this is the natural result of the duplication of Bible manuscripts into suitable translations for use throughout Christendom.  Whether they agree with what was put to text by Judaic writers of scripture, is another matter. 

Judaic Christians were non-political, non-commercial, and engaged in teaching, rather than concerned with 'Christianizing' nations.

Christendom is highly-political and highly-commercialized, and has actively been engaged in the mass "Christianizing' of nations, since its birth, in 4th-century Europe.

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

The difference between catholics and christians is the same difference as the difference between Skippy and peanut butter.

3 People thanked the writer.
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
Best answer!
Hope This Helps
Hope This Helps commented
I don't agree with the accuracy, but....very fun comment!

That was great! :)
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Peanut butter varies greatly in taste, salt added (if any) and definitely quality.

I will agree that "Skippy" and "peanut butter" are in fact very close on the spectrum much as visible light is to the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum.

But spend about double that price and taste some real peanut butter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous , Catholic monk, answered

Catholicism is the root of all Christianity and indeed of Western Civilization

How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization by Thomas E. Woods

The connection between civilization and religion is very explicit here. For a convert to Catholicism like me the first question to answer was, What of the Catholic Church? Is it wrong as all Protestants seem to agree? Or is it right and so all Protestants feel like they know who must be challenged for them to have any credibility

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered


Here's facts, with no added opinions:

All Catholics are Christians. 

Not all Christians are Catholics.

Catholics believe in the Abrahamic triune God (Father,
Son  and Holy Spirit), the second person
of which (the Word), became man---one person with two natures (Hypostatic
Union)---the Christ who was crucified, died, and arose from the dead and
ascended shortly thereafter into heaven and sits at the right hand of the

Additional beliefs can be found in the Apostles Creed:

I believe in one God,

the Father almighty,

maker of heaven and earth,

of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the Only Begotten Son of God,

born of the Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from Light,

true God from true God,

begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;

through him all things were made.

For us men and for our salvation

he came down from heaven,

and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,

and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,

he suffered death and was buried,

and rose again on the third day

in accordance with the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,

who proceeds from the Father and the Son,

who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,

who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins

and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead

and the life of the world to come. Amen

Ethan Graham Profile
Ethan Graham answered
There are many religions within the Christian faith...

And Catholicism is the main one... But when comparing them with the other Christian religions there is only a very slight difference.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They are the same and should not be used against each other in the chalenge to be on top!..
nettie Profile
nettie answered
The difference I find in religion rather it be christian or catholic is the rituals are different, catholics believe in throwing holy water on you and if you are not familiar or prepared it is a shock, But I would like to know where in the bible it says a priest should not take unto himself a wife......the best to you
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Zare Sonce
Zare Sonce commented
Simply because you dont know the new testament well and would consider you to reread it deeply specially following christ and you will know if you really believed in christ.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Catholicism is a form of Christianity - in fact, it's the oldest and has the most followers worldwide - so you may be both. If you take a look here you can get an overview of the basics of Catholic belief.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Don't know really.

I know that Jesus said not to call any man on earth your father, there is one your Father and He is in Heaven. Yet the pope insists on being called father. (pope  translates father)
Also God told us not to make images or likenesses and  yet, we all know what the catholics have done with the second commandment going directly in against God's Commandment.

So I think it is a choice of who do you want to follow, the church or God and Jesus ..
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Zare Sonce
Zare Sonce commented
Ok then stop calling your father who made you in your mothers womb father, why you call him so? Knowing wisdom is something shouldnt be looked at it with logics but with spirituality, also the pope has a father and he knows it and prays to him, but others beeing judged by theyr own judgement!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There is a very large difference, and it is significant. Catholics claim to be Christians, but they also pray to others (saints etc.) and follow a Church and its teachings which may have some footholds in biblical truth, but only as it is interpreted in relation to the Church being right.

Christians, however, only believe in the one true way to heaven being through Christ, and not through intercessions of others. True Christians tend to be literal bible interpretationists whereas catholics bend and change the bible to meet their church needs.
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Anonymous commented
I would just like to set some things straight. 1.Catholics don't just claim to be Christians, we are Christians. 2.Saints are people who we look up to but do not worship.... We pray that their prayers will be united with ours but we don't ask the saints to answer our prayers 3.Do not protestants follow the teaching of their own church, too? 4.Christians, however, include Catholics who do believe what the bible says. 5. How could you have missed the literal interpretation of this....
Anonymous commented
"You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone."
-James 2:24
This is the only time the bible says the words "Faith alone". What is wrong by doing good to others, anyways? 6. Protestant "blend and change" the bible, too, for they got rid of several books so that the bible would match perfectly with their religion.
I strongly hope that you actually go talk to a Catholic to learn the true teachings of its Church.
Mike Profile
Mike answered
There is a huge difference between the Catholic Religion and true Christianity. The Catholic Church claims that Tradition and the Pronouncements of the Pope and are on the same level as Holy Scripture - This is stated in the new Catholic Catechism. There are many, many problems that Christians have with the Catholic Religion. Often, Catholics are heard to state that they "Have Faith in the Catholic Church." That is a misplaced faith, as we are only to have faith in God. See for more information.
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Anonymous commented
I would just like to point out, 1mike, that you should be careful where you get your sources from. If you want to learn about Catholics, learn from a true Catholic, as many protestants tend to twist what Catholics truely believe un-intentionaly. I am a Catholic myself, and I do not appreciate the fact that you do not call me a Christian. Catholics were indeed the first Christians, so your religion would not exist without it.
Polermo Jones Profile
Polermo Jones answered
The faith is the same, the difference is doctrinal.  Because of the division one must presuppose that there is something wrong with them both. 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you want to look at it in a simplified way Catholics go by tradition and Christians go by faith.
Zamick Milhouse Profile
Zamick Milhouse answered
Catholics differ greatly from the original teachings of Jesus Christ. "....if you be humble and confess your sin (to God) he will be faithful to forgive you....." but where does it say I must confess my sin to man, who is judged upon the same standard? Sure, you can confess your sins to one another, but for forgiveness to become actuality, it must be confessed to God with an humble heart. I strongly disagree with spoken rhetoric stemming from the basis of Catholic being the first Christians and that others would not exist if it wasn't for Catholics. I went to a Catholic church when I was young and discovered that Virgin Mary was a sinner like all who have sinned against God in the past and the future. Being Hailed as the Queen or Mother of Jesus, is stunning to me with a sure sadness in my heart of watching idolatry in this sect of Christianity. Maybe the prophecies have become true when Revelation says that "she will be defiled and will be drunken in the last days.....people will drink of her fornication's, sexual immoralities, and perversions....." So I've summed it up to 2 potential conclusions: Christianity is God's calling upon all who have become defiled because of sin, to repent, believe in his Son Jesus, believe he was born of a virgin, died on the tree, arose on the third day (the first fruits of all things) and ascended up to heaven where he is seated to the right hand of the father, who is the only authority and signifier of his Son's Return to rule and reign forever, in a world that will never end. The Primary Focus of Christianity is on God and Jesus Christ, who became flesh and dwelt among man. Catholicism is man's worship of Mary (the mother of Jesus) as to make them both equal in deity and absoluteness. Mary had a human job to do and despite the fact that she was a virgin, God had already predestined her life to learn of this miracle, believe and bring forth the deliverer of our soul. Now that the birth is complete, she should be recognized for bringing forth the redeemer of her own life also, not celebrated because of the direct  connection of her human job to the fabrics of God's Will. Michael Jackson was the Greatest Entertainer of All Time! Why aren't you all worshipping Katherine Jackson for having him? Being a devout Jehovah Witness themselves, is not a far stretch from Catholic teachings. In Christ Jesus
thanked the writer.
Zare Sonce
Zare Sonce commented
You poor soul, not all who say jesus jesus will be saved, i would study the meaning of bread and wine and about mary she is with jesus and saved. But you makeing her a sinner without any proof, you will be judged for false withness in the end and we will see. A baby has not the sins from birth but the sins are counted later!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The reason christians worship christ is because without him you will be dammed to hell, GOD said that the penalty for your sin is death and catholics believe that just by believing in GOD that he will forgive them, our GOD may be a humble one but he is fair, he will still condem you to hell for your sins, everyone is born a sinner regardless, that is why you must turn to JESUS CHRIST for his salvation, MARY may have been the mother of CHRIST THE LORD, but GOD could of picked any lady to carry and bring forth our SAVIOUR, my question for catholics is: IF GOD HAD PUT JESUS IN ANOTHER LADY TO BE BORN INTO THIS WORLD, WOULD YOU STILL WORSHIP THE VIRGIN MARY OR THE LADY WHO BROUGHT FORWARD JESUS?
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Zare Sonce
Zare Sonce commented
Exactly as poor souls try to put it to them, but god choose that soul from the begin before mary was born he choose her in heaven as he choose his disciples and he same tell them so, choosen before they came to becand fullfill!

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