I like Marshall Mathers' answer. Anyway, De Ja Vu is when you experiance something that feels like it has happened before( as you know) however people often have hundreds of different dreams some seeming longer then others, some you don't remeber the slightest bit, and some that you remember completely. The theory goes, De Ja Vu is caused by remembering one of the thousands of dreams you have. You remember a section that seems familier when something happens during real life. Even if it is not completely the same situation. Example- In a dream you are sitting around the table with two people of which have no face that you remember. One goes to swat at a fly and the other one backs away as not to get hit. Then in another situation you are awake in real life and sitting at a table with two friends in your house at the same table as the dream, one friend goes to swat the fly and the other backs away. Your brain connects the two situation as if you are remembering something that has happened before although it is in your dream. Good luck!
I think deja vtranslated means been here before when in a certain situation you feel you can remember this like it really happened before but yet not sure a confusing moment for the brain
Well your question could have been placed in the parapsychology or science category. Anyhow, Deja Vu is a sensation of 'familiarity' and has certain variations. Sometimes, when visiting a place for the first time or being in a situation which an individual thinks he/she has never encountered in their conscious memory they may get this eerie sensation of familiarity or eeriness. It may feel like a weird sensation and almost seem paranormal in nature. Sometimes its accompanied with precognitive abilities that may inform you before hand about something that you have no way of knowing otherwise. There have been attempts made by scientists to analyze the phenomenon scientifically, but they regard it as a memory anomaly. It seems to have some association with temporal lobe epilepsy. However, parapsychologists view it as some form of "prophecy" or a psychic ability exhibited by normal individuals. Some even think that what one experiences through this phenomenon is memories from past life.
P.S - Its not a disease.
P.S - Its not a disease.
Lets say you're deep in thought then your old friend walks into the room, Your brain was focused on the process of the original thought, but recognizes the new event as important so it processes it just as soon as you stop thinking of the original thought. Part of your mind - (the bit that registers what you see) - has already acknowledged it, so your brain processes the same thought twice making you think that it has happened before, when it hasn't.
Hope it helps.
Hope it helps.
Your question belongs to health and beauty category. The Deja Vu is a psychological disorder of unknown etiology. The deja vu is a Greek word and in medical it it is called paramnesia.
This is condition in which the patient when ever see something new or
new event, he think that he is already seen or familiar with this.
There are many theories about this but there is no link with these
stories. The recent research shows that it is linked with temporal lobe
epilepsy. The treatment of this problem depends upon response of the
patient against this disease because some peoples are frightened while
others are excited. I
This is condition in which the patient when ever see something new or
new event, he think that he is already seen or familiar with this.
There are many theories about this but there is no link with these
stories. The recent research shows that it is linked with temporal lobe
epilepsy. The treatment of this problem depends upon response of the
patient against this disease because some peoples are frightened while
others are excited. I
How many times in a lifetime do you think we'll experience the same exact thing? The answer is several.. We experience de ja vu cause we are bound to encounter prior experiences from our past in the future. I guess what I'm trying to say is that de ja vu is inevitable.
Deja vu occurs when you think about something a lot and its like when you think something is going to happen it happens. Or sometimes its just your m
I don't know any facts on Deja Vu, though one of the things I have heard is that it is when your spirit travels in time, and when it actually happens in reality you recall it happening else where.
Just like horoscopes.... Horoscopes are a time line set out for people that has already experienced it. Even scarier is that human beings with the horoscope they have been given are either precise or can even be correct of what will occur of that day or week. We all originated from a long line of descendants don't you think that what has happened back then can actually be what has occurred in your visions? So now what if that memory was given to us to either guide us or to direct us to know that we have had past lives. Scientists can't even figure out how it is occurred there are theories and thoughts about them, but no one truly knows how it occurs. As for the its "Thought up and never really happened" if this was a true statement then how do we know what is going to be said from another person in that vision? Or how do we know what will occur before the event actually happens? Its only possible that our ancestors have done or said what we are to say or done before and we just reenact the scenes that have already happened.