
Why Can't I Dream Of My Deceased Son?


2 Answers

Quietsound Profile
Quietsound answered
Your "son" IS with you. I can feel his energy but the energy is a little weak which is due to the heavy sadness you are feeling. Do not ask during the day for this request. You must ask this request when your in a state of sleep when just drifting off because your more relaxed and intuitively "open"

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Yvonne Gnagy Profile
Yvonne Gnagy answered
Maybe it's just too painful and you're blocking the dreams. Just before you go to bed, try taking a favorite picture of him and sit looking at it. Remember some good times you had together, laugh at something funny he did, then put that picture under your pillow. I feel he is around you all the time, so ask him to come to you in your dreams. He does sit down by you at night while you are sleeping, he moves things around in the house to let you know he's there. Start looking for the signs, and you'll see them. He wants you to know he's okay and he loves you.

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