
What Does It Mean When Someone Gets Shot In Your Dream?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't know but I had a dream where I was on the public bus and this group of guys were arguing with the bus driver and when the guys were getting off the bus the guy shot the bus driver. BUT nothing happened to  the bus driver and the bus driver said "Com-on man don't scare them like that" and the guy just began using profane language as he got of the public bus.
Steve Romanelli Profile
Steve Romanelli answered
If you watched any violence in a game or movies that day those kinds of things can happen... It doesnt mean that those things will happen
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all, that guy who first answered the question was a nice guy, but his answer didn't make much sense. Secondly, I don't know either, but I did have a dream this one time where a friend of mine got kidnapped and I had to recover him. It was easier than I thought, but I never actually rescued him. I don't know if he died or not.
Patty Lopez Profile
Patty Lopez answered
:o I had a dream that my boyfriend got shot and he's in jail at this moment and I see his mug shot like almost everyday and in the dream I saw his mug shot of him in pain with his mouth open.... Then out of no where I saw what happened to him he got shotand his stomach was open his insides were coming out. I don't know why I dreamed this but if you do please let me know! - my email is

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