
What Does It Mean To Have A Dream About A Dead Crow?


2 Answers

Lucy Burroughs Profile
Lucy Burroughs answered
Crows don’t have a very good reputation, really – they’re thought to be omens of death. When they appear in dreams, they’re supposed to be as much of a bad omen as the Tarot card Death!

Don’t panic just yet, though. The fact that the crow was dead means that rebirth is probably a more accurate interpretation of your dream.

Prepare yourself for fresh starts and new beginnings – the omen of death is dead, and that leaves you with life!

How Can I Interpret My Dream More Specifically?
Well , dream interpretation is no science, and without knowing what else happened in your dream, I can’t really narrow it down for you! Try asking yourself these questions:

  • Who was with you when you found the dead crow, and what does this person mean to you? If you associate them with something –  be it work, school, or family – then perhaps this is the area of your life that will undergo a big change.
  • Where did you find the dead crow? This too could give you an indication as to what part of your life is going to change!
On the other hand, your dream might not mean anything at all - sometimes it happens that way!

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