
What Causes Our Dreams?


3 Answers

Sudipa Sarkar Profile
Sudipa Sarkar answered
All our dreams have something to do with our emotions, fears, longings, wishes, needs and memories. But something on the "outside" may influence what we dream. If a person is hungry or tired, his dreams may include this feeling. If the covers have slipped off your bed, you may dream you are on an iceberg. The material for the dream we will have tonight is likely to come from the experiences we will have today.

So the "content" of our dream comes from something that affects us while we are sleeping and it may also use our past experiences and the urges and interests we have. This is why very young children are likely to dream of wizards and fairies, older children of school exams, hungry people for food and homesick soldiers of their families.

According to the psychoanalysts dreams are expressions of wishes that did not come true, and of frustrated yearnings. In other words it can be stated that a dream is a way of having our wish fulfilled.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hmm. I would like to know if that another person is thinking of you before they fall asleep if you dream of them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What causes that  is stress or your excited about something and it has something to do with mood swings mostly in women that would happen. Scientists studied before we can look at what causes dreams we must understand dreams are to begin with. To find out more info go to
you will find lots of info there.

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